One thing did weigh on Zelda's mind, how on earth did so many people know about her uncle passing away? The funeral was so well attended that she almost began to think that he bad led a secret life! What a shame that Zelda had not known her uncle had so many friends!
Hey, Zelda! her brother Zigman said. "There are a lot of weird and wonderftil people here! Did you know that Uncle Joe had friends in the CIA, the FBI and in Hollywood? I think there are even a few gangsters here! He was even more well off than we imagined!"
What difference does it make now? Zelda said. "If we had known well that it would be like this, we could have welcomed them back better!"

What about if they didn't want to be known? Some of them are pretty concerned about privacy, you know. And those CIA guys, they have wheels within wheels about what they're really doing here! I bet that, when it comes to finding out what Uncle Joe was really like, they wouldn't say a word!
"Yeah! Hey Zelda, that's Bruce Springsteen!" Zigman said as he pointed to a man. I'm going to ask him if he would like to play for us!"
What for? Zelda asked.
"For our uncle, silly," Zigman replied.
What if he says no?
"Who cares? At least I tried," then Zigman walked up to Bruce Springsteen and said, not bothering to weigh his words. "What's up, Bruce? We just wanted to let you know that you're welcome to play a couple songs for the funeral.
He said yes!