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经典电影欣赏[阿甘正传]:White House Reception

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阿甘正传(二) White House Reception

Forrest: (voice-over) College ran by real fast 'cause I played so much football. BLACK AND WHITE PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL -DAY (1963) The White House with the words "The eyes and ears of the world Paramount News" superimposed.

Forrest: (voice-over) They even put me on a thing called the All-America Team where you get to meet the President of the United States. BLACK AND WHITE NEWSREEL PRESIDENT KENNEDY holds an autographed football as the All-American Teal stands behind him. Forrest is among the players in suits.

Announcer : (over newsreel) President Kennedy met with the Collegiate All-American Football Team at the Oval Office today.

INT. WHITE HOUSE RECEPTION AREA - DAY (1963) The All-American players mingle around the food table. Forrest steps up to the table. A large spread of food and soda is on the table.

Forrest: (voice-over) Now, the real good thing about meeting the President of the United States is the food. Forrest takes a bottle of Dr. Pepper from the buttlet table. Numerous bottle of Dr. Pepper are displayed on the table. A servant opens the bottle for him.

Forrest: (voice-over) They put you in this little room with just about anything you'd want to eat or drink. And since number one, I wasn't hungry, but thirsty... Forrest begins to guzzle the Dr. Pepper.

Forrest: (voice-over) ... and number two, they was free, I musta drank me about fifteen Dr. Peppers. Forrest sets down an empty Dr. Pepper bottle next to a large number of other empty bottles. Forrest holds his stomach and burps. BLACK AND WHITE FOOTAGE - President Kennedy shakes hands with the All-American football players.

President Kennedy: Congratulations. How does it feel to be an All-American?

1st Player : It's an honor, Sir.

Another player steps up to the President and shakes the President's hand.
President Kennedy: Congratulations. How does it feel to be an All-American?

2nd Player: Very good, Sir.

President Kennedy: Congratulations. How does it feel to be an All-American?

3rd Player: Very good, Sir. The player walks away. Forrest steps up to the President. The President shakes his hand. President Kennedy: Congratulations. How do you feel?

Forrest: I gotta pee. President Kennedy turns and smiles.

President Kennedy: I believe he said he had to go pee.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
paramount ['pærəmaunt]


adj. 极为重要的,至高无上的 n. 最高统治者 Pa

thirsty ['θə:sti]


adj. 口渴的,渴望的

guzzle ['gʌzl]


v. 牛饮,暴食,喝酒失控

numerous ['nju:mərəs]


adj. 为数众多的,许多

spread [spred]


v. 伸展,展开,传播,散布,铺开,涂撒





