7. Lynette: "Here's the thing. Acting like parents won't assign blame is like pretending they don't keep score at pee-wee league games. It's human nature. If you don't give the moms someone to blame, they'll pick a scapegoat. I can't let my boys be the scapegoat."
8. Susan: "I hate 'em all. Look at them just leering at us. They're so damn cocky, like they know they have the upper hand."
Leer:淫荡的目光, 恶意的目光 cocky:骄傲的, 自大的, 过于自信的
9. 结束语:Topher's Birthday Party]
Mary Alice Voiceover:"Yes, everyone loves a scandal...no matter how big or small.After all...what could be more entertaining than watching the downfall of the high and mighty?What could be more amusing than the public exposure of hypocritical sinners?Yes, everyone loves a scandal. And if for some reason, you're not enjoying the latest one...well...the next one is always around the corner."