Edward: I leave you alone for two minutes, and the wolvesdescend.
Bella: I can't believe you're making me do this.
Edward: Just smile.
"Tonight!LightningStrikes! Don't go stay tonight! "
Bella: Wow. You are really trying to kill me.
Edward: The prom is an importantrite of passage. I didn't want you to miss anything.
Bella: Oh.
"Everyday we're going all the way. Everyday, everyday, everyday we're going all the way. Tonight! Lightning Strikes!"
Eric: Bella, hey!
Edward: Do you want to go?
Bella: Yeah.
DJ: All right, slowing it down.
Edward: Shall we?
Bella: You're serious?
Edward: Why not.
"Wide on myplastictoys. Then when thecopsclosed thefair. I cut my long baby hair. Stole me adog-earedmap."
Edward: See, you're dancing.
Bella: At prom.
"Have I found you.Flightlessbird. Jealous.Weeping."