Dominic: So where's Neil?
Beth: We broke up.
Dominic: No way.
Beth: Yeah.
Dominic: You guys were together, what, like 10 years?
Beth: Seven. But still, it's a long time.
Dominic: Yeah. It's too bad cousins can't marry, because then we could maybe...
Beth: Oh, Dominic. Gross.
Dominic: No.
Man: Ken, are you okay? What happened?
Woman: Oh, my God.
Woman: Ken, are You All Right?
Man: Just clutched his chest. He was standing there and all of a sudden...
Woman: Ken, just try to breathe.
Man: Call 911.
Beth: Dad. Excuse me. Daddy, what is it? What happened? What happened? Guys, come here!
Bridget: What happened? Daddy, lay down, okay?
Beth: Did he fall? You'll be fine. You guys, did anybody see what happened?
Bridget: Over there. Just go get it.
Woman: Okay.