Memento 记忆碎片
Memento is presented as two different sequences of scenes, a series in black-and-white that are shown chronologically, and a series of color sequences shown in reverse order. The two sequences "meet" at the end of the film, producing one common story. During the opening credits of the film, the only sequence to be played backwards is shown. It starts with the developed Polaroid photograph of a man shot in the head. As the sequence plays backwards we are shown the photo undeveloping, entering the camera, being taken, etc. As the credits end, we see the protagonist shoot a man in the head.
当记忆支离破碎后,你该怎样面对生活?本片的主人公就遭遇了这样的事情。莱纳•谢尔比(盖伊•皮尔斯 饰)在家遭到歹徒的袭击,妻子被残忍的奸杀,自己脑部也受到严重的伤害。醒来后,他发现自己患了罕见的“短期记忆丧失症”,他只能记住十几分钟前发生的事情,为了让生活继续下去,更为了替惨死的妻子报仇,他凭借纹身、纸条、宝丽来快照等零碎的小东西,保存记忆,收集线索,展开了艰难的调查。调查中,莱纳遇上粗俗的酒吧女招待娜塔莉娅(凯瑞•安妮•莫斯 饰),她似乎知道一些莱昂纳多感兴趣的事;还有泰迪(乔•潘托利亚诺 饰),自称是他以前好朋友,但看上去鬼鬼祟祟的,不怀好意。到底谁能相信?娜塔莉娅?泰迪?还是他自己?抽丝剥茧之后,真相呼之欲出,简单之至却又残酷无比,而莱纳是否有面对这一切的勇气?
推荐理由:一部电影就像一块蛋糕,怎么拼都是一个整体。 一层层的回忆,一层层的发展,一起寻找真相吧。