约翰·福特的又一杰作。在一次印地安人突袭中,仇恨一切印地安人的退伍老病埃森·爱德华兹(Ethan Edwards)(约翰·韦恩饰)哥嫂被杀,侄女被掠。于是埃森在其兄养子马丁(有印地安人血缘)的陪伴下,开始了搜找侄女的艰辛岁月。数年间,搜索渐渐变成了别具目的的迷狂的举动。侄女已成印地安部落一员,他找她只为杀死她。 福特独具天赋,把个典型的寻仇故事精工细作成关于种族主义和盲目仇恨的深层思考,抓住了一个有着荒谬过去和未卜将来的国家的情绪,影片因之变成了跨越时空意味深远的现代寓言。 该片使韦恩达到表演巅峰,而出色的视觉效果(最后枪战一场也是所有西部片中最佳一幕)也成为后辈楷模。要是谁说还有比它更绝的影片,那就看埃森著名的反诘:“等着那天吧!”
The Searchers is a 1956 American Western film directed by John Ford, based on the 1954 novel by Alan Le May, and set during the Texas–Indian Wars. The picture stars John Wayne as a middle-aged Civil War veteran who spends years looking for his abducted niece (Natalie Wood), along with Jeffrey Hunter as his adoptive nephew, who accompanies him.
The film was a commercial success, although it received no Academy Award nominations. It was named the Greatest American Western of all time by the American Film Institute in 2008, and it placed 12th on the American Film Institute's 2007 list of the Top 100 greatest movies of all time.