1. 【语意表述】某人作为某月杂志的封面人物。
【套用句型】Somebody is for the +月份+cover.
【句型操练】I will be for the December cover.
【句型出处】Wow! January Jones for our March cover.
2. 【语意表述】某人感觉到身体不舒服,恶心想吐。
【套用句型】Somebody feels sick.
【句型操练】I did not aced it because I had been sick that day.
【句型出处】I've been feeling sick all morning.
3. 【语意表述】某人在身体上攻击某人。
【套用句型】Somebody hits somebody physically.
【句型出处】You can totally disagree with Daniel and he doesn't hit you or psychically shame you in any way.