1.NEPOTISM: (noun)favoritism shown to relatives by those in power,favoritism shown by somebody in power to relatives and friends, especially in appointing them to good positions. using your power or influence to obtain good jobs or unfair advantages for members of your own family:
Synonyms:favoritism, partiality
- The Italian Mafia practiced nepotism as a way of keeping the “business” inside the family.
- The government discouraged nepotism and made sure that people were hired and promoted based on merit, not because they are relatives of the president.
- When the company CEO gave a sought-after position to his son, many employees felt it was due to nepotism, rather than true merit.
2.IMBROGLIO =(noun: a complicated, sometimes emotionally charged, situation involving intrigue and misunderstanding, an extremely confused, complicated, or embarrassing situation: the Watergate imbroglio.An unwanted, difficult and confusing situation, full of trouble and problems.
Synonyms:predicament, tangle, snarl, dispute, mess
- The imbroglio in the Middle East was caused by a lack of clear communication and fear.
- The company may not survive another legal imbroglio
- Land developers and environmentalists are always in some type of imbroglio over new construction plans.