今天我们要学的词是defect. Defect 做为动词,有叛变,倒戈的意思。In the past four months, 10 percent of New York City's taxi drivers have defected to Uber, the app-based car service. 过去四个月来,纽约市已有百分之十的出租车司机倒戈,加入了经由手机应用提供出行服务的Uber打车司机的阵营。上星期天是柏林墙倒塌25周年。More than 3.5 million East Germans defected to West Germany right before the Wall was built. 柏林墙建立前夕,有350多万东德人投奔西德。好的,今天我们学习的词是 defect, defect, defect...
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