今天我们要学的词是opt out of. To opt out of 意思是选择退出。Republican Mitt Romney decided to opt out of the 2016 Presidential race after considering running for a third time. 曾考虑第三次参选的共和党人罗姆尼最终还是决定不参加2016的总统大选。美国最近麻疹的流行再次使疫苗接种成为焦点话题。In every state except Mississippi and West Virginia, parents can opt out of vaccinations for their children. 除了密西西比和西维吉尼亚以外,美国其它所以州都允许父母选择不让孩子接种疫苗。好的,今天我们学习的词是 opt out of, opt out of, opt out of...
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