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广州小学英语六年级(上)课本 Lesson15:修订

来源:可可英语 编辑:hoy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


A:Have you got a doll?
B:Yes,I've got a big doll.Here it is.
A:It's beautiful. I like it very much.
B:Thank you.I'm glad you like it.
A:Has Tom got any cakes?
B:No,he hasn't got any cakes.
But he's got same bread.
A:How many pieces of bread has he got?
B:He's got five.
A:Excuse me.Could you tell me the way to Baiyun Hotel,please?
B:Yes.Go down this street.
Turn left at the third crossing.
The hotel is on the right.
A:Can I take a No.5 bus?
B:No,but you can take a No.10.
A:Please don't read in the bus. It's bad for your eyes
B:Thank you.
A:Do you often read in the bus?
B:No,I don't.
A:What can I do for you?
B:I want a shirt.
A:Do you like this one.
B:Yes.How much is it?
A:Thirty-five yuan. B:I'll take it.
A:Can I help you?
B:Yes,I'd like some pears.
How much are there?
A:Eight yuan a kilo.
B:Two kilos,please.
A:Would you like something to eat and drink?
B:Yes.I'd like a cake and a bottle of milk.
A:Would you like some bread,too?
A:Would you like some tea? B:No,thanks.
A:There's meat,fish,eggs and a big cake on the table!
Why so much,Dad?
B:Today is Grandma's birthday.
A:Happy birthday,Grandma!
C:Thank you.
A:Is there any orange juice in the fridge?
B:No,there isn't any orange juice.But there are two bottles of apple juice.
A:Could I have one bottle?
B:Sure.Here you are. A:Thank you.
A:What's your favourite sport?
B:Football.What about you? A:The same.
B:It's time for sports
Let's go and play football.
A:All right,let's go.
A:How many cars are there on the hill?
B:There are three.
A:How many people can you see?
B:Twelve.Are they from America?
A:Sorry,I don't know.
A:I usually get up at six thirty.What about you?
B:I usually get up at seven.
A:Do you often watch TV in the evening?
B:No,I don't.
I sometimes watch TV on Sunday evening.
A:What time do the pupils usually do their homework?
B;They usually do their homework at about five after school.
I Try.
I try to do my best every day,In my work and in my play.
And if I always do my best,I need not care about the test.




