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新课标小学英语听力100篇 第10期:A Beautiful Sunny Day 一个美丽的阳光灿烂的日子

来源:可可英语 编辑:jennyyao   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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10.A Beautiful Sunny Day 一个美丽的阳光灿烂的日子


picnic n.野餐cloudy adj.多云的


I.Listen to the passage and decide which of the following statements are True and which are False .听短文,判断下列哪个陈述是对的,哪些是错误的。l.It is a beautiful sunny day. There isn't a cloud in the sky.是一个美丽的阳光灿烂的日子。天空没有一丝云。2.Greg wants to have breakfast at once.格雷戈想马上吃早餐。3.After Iunch, they decide to have a swim.午饭时,他们决定去游泳。4.They lie in the sun for a while.他们在阳光下躺了一会儿。5.In the aftemoon it starts to rain.下午天开始下雨了。

II.Listen to the questions about the passage and choose the best answer A. B. C or D.听短文,选择问题的最好答案A. B. C或D。1. What's the weather like in the morning?1.在上午的天气是什么样的?A. Rainy. B. Sunny. C. Windy. D. Cold.2.What do they do first?2.他们首先做什么?A. Have lunch. B. Have a swim. C. Lie in the sun. D. Go back home.3.Where do they have lunch?3.他们在哪里吃午饭?A. Near the tree. B. In front of the tiee. C. Beside the tree. D. Under the tree.4.What's the weather like in the afternoon?4.在下午的天气怎么样?A. It begins to rain. B. It gets colder. C. It begins to snow. D. It gets hotter.5.When do they go back?5.他们什么时候回去?A. At 4 0'clock in the afternoon.B. At 5 0'clock in the afternoon.C. At 6 0'clock in the afternoon.D. At 3 0'clock in the afternoon.


It is a beautiful sunny day. There isn't a cloud in the sky.这是一个阳光明媚的一天。没有云在天空中。Greg wants to have lunch at once. But the others decide to have a swim first.格雷戈想在一次午餐。但其他人决定先去游泳。After swimming. they have a picnic under the tree.游泳后。他们在树下野餐。Then they lie in the sun for a while.然后,他们躺在一会儿太阳。In the afternoon it begins to get cloudy.在下午四点,它开始变得多云。At four o'clock they have to go back because it starts to rain .他们不得不回去,因为它开始下雨。

答案 I l. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T答案 II l. B 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. A




