On Monday morning seven lads, dressed in their Sunday clothes, with bright and happy faces, made their appearance at the Hall, each of them desiring to obtain the situation.
Now the old gentleman, being of a singular disposition,had prepared a room,
in such a way that he might easily know if any of the young people who applied were given to meddle unnecessarily with things around them,
or to peep into cupboards and drawers.
He took care that the lads who were then at Elm Tree Hall should be shown into this room one after another.
And first, Charles Brown was sent into the room, and told that he would have to wait a little.
So Charles sat down on a chair near the door.

For some time he was very quiet, and looked about him;
but there seemed to be so many curious things in the room that at last he got up to peep at them.
On the table was placed a dish cover, and Charles wanted sadly to know what was under it, but he felt afraid of lifting it up.
Bad habits are strong things; and, as Charles was of a curious disposition,
he could not withstand the temptation of taking one peep. So he lifted up the cover.
This turned out to be a sad affair; for under the dish cover was a heap of very light feathers;
part of the feathers, drawn up by a current of air, flew about the room, and Charles, in his fright, putting the cover down hastily, puffed the rest of them off the table.