She was trying to laugh, but, God bless her, how completely she failed in the attempt!
Her mouth got into the position to laugh, but it never moved after that, save to draw down at the corners and quiver,
while her eyes blinked so fast that I suspect she only caught occasional glimpses of the broad-shouldered fellow who elbowed his way so rapidly toward her.
As he drew close, and dropped the portmanteaus, she turned to one side, and covered her face with her hands;
and thus she was when the strong man gathered her up in his arms as if she were a child, and held her sobbing to his breast.

There were enough staring at them, heaven knows;
so I turned my eyes away a moment, and then I saw two boys in threadbare roundabouts standing near, wiping their eyes on their sleeves,
and bursting into tears anew at every fresh demonstration on the part of their mother.
When I looked at the stranger again he had his hat drawn over his eyes;
but his wife was looking up at him, and it seemed as if the pent-up tears of those weary months of waiting were streaming through her eyelids.