About the middle of the day, after their repast is finished, they settle on the trees to enjoy rest and digest their food.
As the sun begins to sink beneath the horizon; they depart en masse for the roosting place,
which not unfrequently is hundreds of miles distant, as has been ascertained by persons who have kept an account of their arrivals and departures.
Let us now inspect their place of nightly rendezvous.
One of these curious roosting places, on the banks of the Green River, in Kentucky, I repeatedly visited.
It was, as is always the case, in a portion of the forest where the trees were of great magnitude, and where there was little underwood.

I rode through it upwards of forty miles, and, crossing it in different parts, found its average breadth to be rather more than three miles.
My first view of it was about a fortnight subsequent to the period when they had made choice of it, and I arrived there nearly two hours before sunset.
Many trees, two feet in diameter, I observed, were broken off at no great distance from the ground;
and the branches of many of the largest and tallest had given way, as if the forest had been swept by a tornado.
Everything proved to me that the number of birds resorting to this part of the forest must be immense beyond conception.