At once the ants swarmed out. Some ran around the hill, while a few of them began to carry away fat, white eggs. The old partridge, coming to her children, picked up one of these juicy-looking eggs and clucked. Then she dropped it, picked it up again, and clucked, and finally swallowed it.
The young ones stood around, watching.

Then one little fellow, the one that had sat on the chip, picked up an ant-egg, dropped it a few times, and then swallowed it; so he had learned to eat. Within twenty minutes, even the smallest partridge had learned. And a merry time they all had scrambling after the eggs which their mother sent rolling down the sides of the ant-hill. Soon every young partridge had swallowed so many eggs that he could eat no more.
Then the mother led her children up the stream. On a sandy bank, well hidden by bushes, they lay all that afternoon. They learned how pleasant it was to feel the cool dust running between their hot little toes.
They lay on their sides as their mother did and scratched happily with their tiny feet.
That night Mother Partridge took her little ones to a dry thicket near by. There, among the dead leaves and under the bushes, she covered them with her soft feathers. The wee cuddling things peeped in their sleep and snuggled against her warm body.