Clarence Hawkes
Clarence Hawkes, the author of this story, has been blind for many years, yet boys and girls in all parts of our country have seen nature through his unseeing eyes. While he was a boy, he learned to know and love the wild things of the out-of- doors. When he became blind, he began to write stories of the animals and birds he had known. Here he tells us of the beaver—the first American woodcutter.
The beaver is the first American woodcutter; he is also a famous dam builder. He cuts the wood both for food and building material for his dam. He builds the dam in order to flood the country around his house, and thus protect himself from his many enemies. The bear, the wildcat, the wolverine, all love beaver meat; so he has to look to it that his house is well protected.
The beaver is a wonderful builder. Not only does he select with great care the place where he will build his dam, but he also builds it most skillfully. He usually selects a spot in a valley which has steep hills or banks on each side at the lower end. There the dam will be placed. Then, if luck is with him, there will be a large tree standing on either side of the stream.