One of the most prominent features which distinguished our forefathers, was their determined resistance to oppression.
They seemed born and brought up for the high and special purpose of showing to the world that the civil and religious rights of man,
the rights of self-government, of conscience, and independent thought — are not merely things to be talked of and woven into theories,
but to be adopted with the whole strength and ardor of the mind, and felt in the profoundest recesses of the heart,
and carried out into the general life, and made the foundation of practical usefulness, and visible beauty, and true nobility.

Liberty, with them, was an object of too serious desire and stern resolve to be personified, allegorized, and enshrined.
They made no goddess of it, as the ancients did; they had no time nor inclination for such trifling;
they felt that liberty was the simple birthright of every human creature; they called it so; they claimed it as such;
they reverenced and held it fast as the unalienable gift of the Creator, which was not to be surrendered to power, nor sold for wages.
It was theirs, as men; without it, they did not esteem themselves men;
more than any other privilege or possession, it was essential to their happiness, for it was essential to their original nature;