Surprised on a sandy level, on the banks, the low reefs where he sometimes halts, the frigate-bird is defenceless;
in vain he threatens, in vain he strikes, for a blow from a stick will overcome him.
At sea, those vast wings, of such admirable utility in ascent, are ill fitted for skimming the surface of the water.
When wetted, they may over-weight and sink him. And thereupon, woe to the bird!
And yet, what shall he do? His food lies in the waters.

He is ever compelled to draw near them, to return to them, to skim incessantly the hateful and prolific sea which threatens to engulf him.
Thus, then, this being, so well armed and winged, superior to all others in power of flight and vision as in daring, leads but a trembling and precarious life.
He would die of hunger had he not the ingenuity to create for himself a purveyor, whom he cheats of his food.
His ignoble resource, alas! is to attack a dull and timorous bird, the noddy, famous as a fisher.
The frigatebird, which is of no larger dimensions, pursues him, strikes him on the neck with his beak, and constrains him to yield up his prey.
All this takes place in the air. The noddy drops the fish; but the frigate-bird catches it before it can reach the water.