Come, dear old comrade, you and I, Will steal an hour from days gone by — The shining days when life was new, And all was bright as morning dew, The lusty days of long ago, When you were Bill and I was Joe.
Your name may flaunt a titled trail Proud as a cockerel's rainbow tail, And mine as brief appendix wear As Tam O'Shanter's luckless mare;
Today, old friend, remember still That I am Joe and you are Bill.
You've won the great world's envied prize, And grand you look in people's eyes, With HON. and LL. D., In big, brave letters fair to see-
Your fist, old fellow! Off they go! — How are you, Bill? How are you, Joe?

You've worn the judge's ermined robe; You've taught your name to half the globe; You've sung mankind a deathless strain; You've made the dead past live again:
The world may call you what it will, But you and I are Joe and Bill.
The chaffing young folks stare and say, "See those old buffers, bent and gray; They talk like fellows in their teens; Mad, poor old boys! That's what it means"
And shake their heads; they little know The throbbing hearts of Bill and Joe.