Perhaps, he thinks, boys and girls will become more interested in playing the different instruments and in forming orchestras within their own schools.
Radio experts have worked with Damrosch to make his orchestra programs sound just as they do in a concert hall.

This skillful conductor has an excellent radio voice and in front of the microphone he gives the same kind of program that has delighted the children of New York City for many years.
He has learned just how to arrange his players about him so that their instruments give, in the clearest possible way, the musical message which they have to speak.
Walter Damrosch will soon be seventy, but he stands proudly erect as he introduces his musical family over the microphone in an easy, natural voice.
How his blue eyes flash beneath their shaggy brows as his hand moves the baton!
Then for all his listeners upon the air, the doors of Music Land swing wide, and beautiful melodies come forth.