The country traversed abounds with scenes of deep historic interest, covering a period of more than two centuries. Here planned and struggled Jacques Cartier, Champlain, Wolfe, and Montcalm, and many others, and here are the battlefields of two great and gallant nations who strove during a hundred years for the possession of a continent. There are also traces of a more recent struggle, when Canadians sprang to arms to repel invaders from the powerful Republic to the south of them. Happily "Peace hath her victories no Less renowned than war," and the people of Canada have conquered for themselves and for the travel and traffic of two continents a highway from the Atlantic to the Pacific. In this magnificent achievement, the building of the Canadian Pacific Railway, an inestimable boon was conferred on those who desire a safe, rapid, and comfortable journey "round the world."

The pioneers who explored Canada thought the St. Lawrence would lead them to China, and that the river above Montreal was the gateway of that country. Hence the name "La Chine." The forecast of those men was in a sense realize, the shortest route to China being by Montreal and "La Chine."
探索加拿大的先驱们认为他们可以通过圣劳伦斯河去往中国,而蒙特利尔上方的河流则是进入中国的门户,那里也因此得名“La Chine”(拉钦,加拿大魁北克省南部城市)。他们的预测在某种意义上实现了,到往中国的最短路线便是经由蒙特利尔和“拉钦”的那条路线。
The Ottawa pours its dark waters into the clear flood of the St. Lawrence, partly above the city and partly below it. Montreal is thus built upon an island; and near the centre of the island rises the "mountain" which lends to the fair city so much of its loveliness. A journey of three or four hours takes the traveller from Montreal to Ottawa, the capital of the Canadian Dominion. Here the Chaudiere Falls will attract attention and admiration. A group of elegant and substantial public buildings adorns the city, and indicates where the legislature of the Dominion sits, and where the Executive Government transacts the public business of the country.