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时间:2007-06-07 22:31:01 来源:本站原创 编辑:alex  每天三分钟英语轻松学

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 超人特攻队     Project title

[00:00.71]I can help you.
 [00:01.39]You're making a mist...
 [00:02.59]The injured jumper.
 [00:03.52]You sent paramedics?
 [00:04.67]They picked him up.
 [00:05.67]The blast in that building
 [00:06.99]was caused by Bomb Voyage
 [00:08.39]who I caught robbing the vault.
 [00:09.99]We might nab him
 [00:10.78]if we set up a perimeter.
 [00:12.19]- He got away?
 [00:13.10]- Well, yeah.
 [00:14.15]- Skippy here made sure of that.
 [00:15.79]- IncrediBoy.
 [00:16.63]You're not affiliated with me!
 [00:18.37]Holy smokes, I'm late.
 [00:19.79]Listen, I've gotta be somewhere.
 [00:22.95]- What about Bomb Voyage?
 [00:24.18]- Any other night, I'd go after him,
 [00:26.12]but I really gotta go. Don't worry.
 [00:28.29]We'll get him! Eventually!
 [00:35.44]- Is the night still young?
 [00:36.94]- You're very late.
 [00:38.20]- How do I look? Good?
 [00:39.41]- The mask. You still got the mask.
 [00:49.00]Robert Parr, will you have this woman
 [00:51.01]to be your lawful wedded wife?
 [00:52.84]You're late. When you asked
 [00:54.19]if I was doing anything later,
 [00:55.88]I didn't realize you'd forgotten.
 [00:57.46]I thought it was playful banter.
 [00:59.16]- It was.
 [00:59.60]- Cutting it close, don't you think?
 [01:01.52]You need to be more... flexible.
 [01:04.00]I love you, but if we're
 [01:05.18]gonna make this work,
 [01:06.36]you've gotta be more
 [01:07.37]than Mr. Incredible.
 [01:08.56]You know that. Don't you?
 [01:10.60]- ... so long as you both shall live?
 [01:12.53]- I do.
 [01:13.08]I pronounce this couple
 [01:14.59]husband and wife.
 [01:18.48]As long as we both shall live.
 [01:20.34]No matter what happens.
 [01:21.96]Hey, come on. We're superheroes.
 [01:24.42]What could happen?
 [01:27.80]In a stunning turn of
 [01:29.30]events, a superhero is being sued
 [01:31.88]for saving someone who,
 [01:33.09]apparently, didn't want to be saved.
 [01:35.16]The plaintiff, Oliver Sansweet,
 [01:37.20]who was foiled in his attempted
 [01:38.80]suicide by Mr. Incredible,
 [01:40.28]has filed suit against the famed
 [01:42.29]superhero in Superior Court.
 [01:44.24]Mr. Sansweet didn't ask to be saved.
 [01:46.04]He didn't want to be saved.
 [01:47.52]The injury received from
 [01:48.83]Mr. Incredible's "actions",
 [01:50.48]- causes him daily pain.
 [01:51.65]- I saved your life!
 [01:52.76]You didn't save my life!
 [01:53.93]You ruined my death.
 [01:55.04]My client has no comment.
 [01:56.76]Another suit was filed
 [01:58.29]by victims of the el train accident.
 [02:00.96]Incredible's court losses
 [02:02.45]cost the government millions.
 [02:04.32]And opened the flood gates for dozens
 [02:06.37]of superhero lawsuits the world over.
 [02:08.61]It is time for their secret identity
 [02:11.13]to become their only identity.
 [02:13.45]Time for them to join us, or go away.
 [02:16.33]Under public pressure,
 [02:17.63]and the financial burden
 [02:19.21]of an ever mounting series of lawsuits,
 [02:21.65]the government quietly initiated
 [02:23.44]the superhero relocation program.
 [02:25.45]The supers were granted amnesty
 [02:26.99]from responsibility for past actions,
 [02:29.01]in exchange for the promise
 [02:30.87]to never again resume hero work.
 [02:33.29]Where are they now?
 [02:34.97]They are living among us.
 [02:36.69]Average citizens, average heroes.
 [02:39.17]Quietly and anonymously continuing
 [02:41.67]to make the world a better place.
 [02:45.05]Denied? You're denying my claim?
 [02:48.81]I don't understand.
 [02:50.04]I have full coverage.
 [02:51.61]I'm sorry, Mrs. Hogenson,
 [02:53.05]but our liability is spelled out
 [02:55.02]in paragraph 17.
 [02:56.17]- It states clearly...
 [02:57.48]- I can't pay for this.
 [02:59.05]Excuse me. Claims, Bob Parr.
 [03:00.81]I'm calling to celebrate
 [03:02.10]a momentous occasion.
 [03:03.37]We're now officially moved in.
 [03:05.65]Yeah, well, that's great, honey.
 [03:07.45]The last three years
 [03:08.49]don't count because...
 [03:09.77]Because I finally unpacked the last box.
 [03:11.88]Now, it's official. Ha, ha, ha.
 [03:13.69]- Why do we have so much junk?
 [03:15.15]- Listen, I've got a client.
 [03:16.69]Say no more. Go save the world
 [03:18.15]one policy at a time, honey.
 [03:19.69]Oh! I gotta go pick up the kids.
 [03:21.15]See you tonight.
 [03:22.05]Bye, honey.
 [03:22.93]Excuse me. Where were we?
 [03:25.13]I'm on a fixed income,
 [03:26.86]and if you can't help me,
 [03:29.05]I don't know what I'll do.
 [03:38.33]All right, listen closely.
 [03:39.83]I'd like to help you, but I can't.
 [03:41.97]I'd like to tell you to take a copy
 [03:43.64]of your policy to Norma Wilcox on...
 [03:45.53]Norma Wilcox.
 [03:47.82]On the third floor. But I can't.
 [03:50.69]I also do not advise you
 [03:52.10]to fill out and file a WS2475 form
 [03:54.30]with our legal department
 [03:55.49]on the second floor.
 [03:56.62]I wouldn't expect someone to get back
 [03:58.31]to you quickly to resolve the matter.
 [04:00.18]I'd like to help,
 [04:01.01]but there's nothing I can do.
 [04:02.62]- Oh, thank you, young man.
 [04:04.24]- Sorry. I know you're upset!
 [04:06.18]Pretend to be upset.


相关热词搜索: 听电影





时间:2007-06-07 作者:admin

Project title[00:32.41]- Is this on?[00:33.29]- That's fine.[00:34.46]I can break through walls,[00:35.76]I just can't...[00:36.69]- That's fine.[00:37.57]- I

时间:2007-06-07 作者:admin

超人特攻队 Project title[00:01.45]I know your moves,[00:02.42]crime fighting style,[00:03.47]favorite catch phrases, everything![00:05.34]I'm your number one f

时间:2007-06-07 作者:admin

