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新东方4+1听力口语MP3-语音语调 Unit58

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How did the president speak?
brave quick smooth
clear rich soft
fierce rough sound
frank sharp strange
F. Repeat the pairs of words. The medial clusters have????, ????and????.
1. symbol/simple 6. Jenner/center
2. Dempsey/Ramsey 7. mentioned /danger
3. Denzel/pencil 8. window/winter
4. drinker/finger 9. Houghton/mountain
5. Ridgemont/Richmond 10. Disney/Passner
  Now select three pairs of words from the list above and form three statements of questions using them.
  E.g.: Jenner was the regular center on our basketball team.
G. Read the names of these football players and former players. Then compare their ages. Use older than, younger than, or the same age as.
 E.g.: Pitman is older than Cushman.
 1. Pitman, 45 6. Goodman, 81
 2. Beckman, 26 7. Hagman, 61
 3. Hoffman, 32 8. Cushman, 39
 4. Crossman, 77 9. Wiseman, 29
 5. Fineman, 21 10. Pullman, 32
H. Repeat these sets of words. The medial clusters have stops or ??? or ???.
1. Edsel/pretzel 5. captain/napkin
2. Bugsie/taxi 6. Edgar/Rutgers
3. whispered/husband 7. Pitkin/Redken
4. risky/exit 8. Clifton/doctor/Ogden
 Now listen to the questions and answer them.
Who ate the pretzels? (Edsel did.)
Who took a taxi home?
Who did Jane whisper to?
What is risky to use?
What does the captain need?
Who’s going to Rutgers College?
Who sells Redken products?
What is the name of the doctor who practices in Ogden?
I. Read the names. Then complete the sentences, using any name from the list and adding -ful to one of the nouns in parentheses to form an adjective.
Jepson Gibson Leffson Dodgeson
Matson Hudson Wilson Carson
Jackson Gregson Johnson Simpson
1. Mr. Hudson is a careful worker. (care, skill)
2. Mrs. ________ got rid of the ________ insects. (dread, harm)
3. Mr. __________ is very ________ about his health. (doubt, thank)
4. Mrs. _________ spent a __________ night. (rest, wake)
5. Miss _________ had a ________operation. (help, pain)
6. Mr. _________ is a __________ person. (peace, truth)

Part Three Final consonants and consonant clusters
  English words end with no, one, two, or three consonants, not counting words that have a plural or past suffix.
A. Listen and repeat. Read across the chart. The first word has no final consonant.
No final
Consonant: go, see [r]+Final Consonant [l]+Final
Consonant Nasal+Final
Consonant [k] ache
[g] egg [rk] mark
[rg] morgue [lk] milk
[?k] ink
[p] hope
[b] rob [rp] sharp
[rb] garb [lp] help
[lb] bulb [mp] camp
[t] eight
[d] add [rt] art
[rd] hard [lt] belt
[ld] gold [nt] ant
[nd] and [(?] match
[(?] edge [r(?] march
[r(?] large [l(?] welch
[l(?] bulge [n(?] inch
[n(?] change [f] if
[v] of [rf] scarf
[rv] carve [lf] shelf
[lv] solve [mf] triumph
[?] math
[th] breathe [r?] north
[l?] health
[n?] month
[s] us
[z] as [rs] horse
[rz] Mars [ls] else
[ns] dance
[nz] lens [?] wish
[?] beige [r?] marsh
[l?] Welsh

[m] an
[n] in
[?] sing [rm] arm
[m] corn
[lm] film
[ln] kiln

[l] all
[r] or [rl] Carl

Common words also end with these sounds.
[kt] act [ks] ax [sk] desk [ts] blitz
[kt] exitinct [ks] jinx [sp] wasp [rts] quartz
[pt] adapt [ps] collapse [st] fast [lts] waltz
[mpt] tempt [mps] glimpse [nst] against [ft] lift B. Some words end with ????and another consonant. Use a word from the?????column to answer each question.
1. What vegetable is often served with a meal?
2. Is Chicago in the South?
3. Jane draws very well. What should she study?
4. How did Jim hurt himself?
5. What’s Mary wearing around her neck?
6. What does the teacher do with tests?
7. Is that a star in the sky?
8. What is the baby’s name?
C. Some words end with ??????and another consonant. Use a word from the???????column to answer each question.
1. Why doesn’t this light work?
2. What did Mrs. Fay buy at the grocery store?
3. What’s that ring made of ?
4. Where’s the sugar?
5. Why don’t you smoke any more?
6. What nationality is he?
D. Some words end with?????????? or ????and another consonant. Use a word from the nasal column to answer each question.
1. What shall we do on the weekend?
2. How long is it till spring?
3. Is this a good camera?
4. How long is this line?
5. Do you have a red pen?
6. Is that a fly?
E. Form sentences using these verbs and objects.
  E.g.: I can’t lift this box.
act dust park bank bus desk maid
ask fix send belt camp film milk
change help sort bench card gold part
drink lift want box corn horse shell




