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娱乐新天地:世贸中心World Trade Center

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虽然911 已经过去了快5年,但该事件的凄惨依然仿佛在眼前,很明显,世贸中心的轰塌会成为美国人永远的痛。而今年,终于有电影公司开始对它磨刀霍霍,如此主题稍有不注意便会被口水淹没,何况《世贸中心》更是大胆地选择了在911五周年纪念的前夕上映。一向横眉冷对千夫指的奥利弗·斯通会不会交出一个另类答案尚不可知,但如果这部“灾难营救片”能挖掘出人性的真实,那么奥斯卡会给它一个交待。

Movie Review

September 11, 2001 was one of those days that cleave history in two, forever separating the Before and the After as irrecovably as it separated those who were lost from those who survived. As we watched it over and over on television, trying to make some sense of the senseless, people said the same thing, over and over, "It's like a movie."

And now, it is a movie, or, so far, three movies with certainly more to come.

That is a part of a tradition that goes back to sagas around the campfire and paintings on the walls of caves. We create stories to help us make sense of our past and to think about our hopes for the future. We are still telling stories about courage and loss through the lens of every major conflict in history. In the last few years we've seen major, big-budget movies about great tragic conflicts from the Trojan War through Operation Desert Storm. Their stories about about sacrifice and heroism are a part of the way we make sense of the world.

That very tradition, combined with events that still seem surreal to us, make it difficult for this particular take on the events of 9/11 to feel satisfying as a matter of narrative or drama. Unlike the recent United 93, which adopted an intimate, documentary style for the story of the passengers who fought back and overpowered the terrorists, this movie takes the Hollywood approach to its story of the rescue of trapped Port Authority police.

Where United 93 used unfamiliar faces to allow us to feel we were seeing the real story, World Trade Centergives us Oscar-Winner and Hollywood royalty Nicolas Cage. Where United 93 told us nothing more about the characters than was revealed in the real-time unfolding of events onscreen, making everything that happened disorienting and surprising, World Trade Center gives us the traditional Hero introduction to the characters, with flashbacks to show us their family relationships.




