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时间:2008-05-11 17:41:24 来源:本站原创 编辑:alex  每天三分钟英语轻松学


1. Independent truckers from across the country called for a one-day strike to protest record high diesel fuel prices. At the same time, Congress drilled top executives of the five biggest US oil companies about high profits. They also wanted to know why they are not investing in the development of other energy technologies.


2. The federal government says 17 of the nation's 50 largest cities don't graduate even half of their high school students. They found that 1.2 million high schoolers drop out each year. The government is also mandating that states report dropouts in a uniform way.


3. President Bush is in Ukraine. He wants the former Soviet Republic along with Georgia to become part of the NATO alliance. France and Germany have expressed concern the move could anger Russia.


4. A wayward gator made a mess of the morning rush hour near Fort Lauderdale Florida. Deputy shut down a busy road for about an hour while they waited for a wildlife worker to come and snare the animal.



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