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时间:2008-05-13 10:47:10 来源:本站原创 编辑:alex  每天三分钟英语轻松学


1. Democrats are keeping a close eye on Pennsylvania while the primary there today will not give either Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton. The delegates need to sort out of the party’s domination. Voters there couldn't help to determine just how long the race will last.


2. A high school teen is set to face federal charges in his * school bomb plot. Prosecutors say they will charge 18-year-old * Shawn Burger with attempting use a weapon of mass destruction. He was arrested after his parents discovered he had ordered 10 pounds of **.


3. New cars made by 2015 will have to get a lot better fuel mileages when a new plan being ruled out by the Bush Administration. Under it, new cars and trucks will be required to achieve 31.6 miles a gallon.


4. Talk about being in the right place and right time, this postal carrier being held as a hero for catching a one-year-old who fell out of a second story window. No one was hurt in the accident.



相关热词搜索: 美联社


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