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影视听力 第47期: Taxi To The Dark Side 驶向阴霾的出租车

时间:2009-11-02 10:18:04 来源:可可英语 编辑:sunny  每天三分钟英语轻松学

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Taxi to the Dark Side is a new documentary from Alex Gibney. His previous film was Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room. And I think this movie Taxi to the Dark Side belongs with that Enron documentary and maybe with Charles Ferguson's No End in Sight as one of the really pivotal, indispensable documentaries of this decade.

That is when we look back and try to make sense of what happened after 2001 during the Bush Administration, during the war on terror. We'll have to look at this movie to see what happened to this country and where we might have gone wrong.

It's a very powerful and meticulous movie. It takes its title from the case of a young man from Afghanistan whose name was Dilawar, who was a taxi driver, who was captured by American forces in 2002 and who died in American custody at Bagram Air Force base in Afghanistan that year.

The movie goes from his case and traces a whole history of interrogation, torture, cover-up that goes from Bagram to Abu Ghraib to Guantanamo that involves some very familiar figures from Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld as well as prisoners themselves and also the interrogators, the soldiers and intelligence officers who carried out a policy that was never really admitted to exist, but that this film makes a very strong case was in fact a new kind of policy for dealing with what the Bush Administration insisted was a new kind of war.

Now this movie gains a lot, I think, from its evenness and meticulousness of tone. It's really a piece of investigative journalism, more than a piece of advocacy, although of course it does have a point of view, it is making an argument about the roots and the consequences of American policy. But it's a very serious, and it's a very well-documented and thoroughly made argument. And this is really a movie that, I think a lot of people will want to avoid, because we don't want to think about this, we don't want to think about torture, we don't want to think about the war on terror, we don't want to think about what is being done to us or by us out there in the world. But this is nonetheless a movie that will be around for a long time, and that will stand as an important, historical record of some of the things that we would rather not think about that are going on in the world right now.

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