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影视听力 第50期:Persepolis 我在伊朗长大

时间:2009-11-06 10:41:22 来源:可可英语 编辑:sunny  每天三分钟英语轻松学

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Persepolis is a new animated film directed by Marjane Satrapi and Vincent Paronnaud.

It's based on Satrapi's two-part memoir of the same title about her life growing up in Iran, under the Shah and then after the revolution of 1979.

Satrapi now makes her home in France and this is a movie that's being released in this country in its French language version, which is a wonderful thing because some of the voice talent is really very, very special. Some of the greatest French movie stars contribute their voices including Catherine Deneuve, her daughter Chiara Mastroianni, and the great Danielle Darrieux.

These three women play three generations of a Tehran family. And the main character is Marjane, young Marjane who's voiced by Chiara Mastroianni.

This is an episodic story about a young girl's coming of age and it nicely balances the family and personal elements of her life with the political backdrop---a story of successive dictatorships in a way.

The family suffered at the hands of the Shah and then very much under the hands of the Islamic government that followed it.

And what this is really about, it's a celebration, a very wise and smart and clever and nuanced one of the spirit of rebellion, in particular, a kind of feminist spirit of a young girl who insists on addressing the world on her own terms and being who she wants to be, whatever the powers around her have to say about it. It’s a very brave film about a very brave little girl and it's wonderful.

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