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影视听力 第52期:The Kreutzer Sonata 克勒采奏鸣曲

时间:2009-11-10 11:11:28 来源:可可英语 编辑:sunny  每天三分钟英语轻松学

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You know the way it happens sometimes. It's like an electric shock goes through you; and you wake up.

My head was full of thoughts about her, about him—the violinist.

This man's presence drove me out of my mind. I should've made sure I never set eyes on him again.  But that was like saying I was afraid of him. So I introduced him to my wife.

She had grown as pretty as the last ray of summer. She was 35 years old and the full flower of her womanhood. I could sense this; and it scared me.

They played Beethoven's Kreutzer Sonata. My imagination began to paint for me: the rapid sequence of pictures.  The more I contemplated these pictures, the more I believed they were real.

We've been told a lie, all of us. We've been told sex is good, sex is fun, sex is what you need.

Look into my soul, the devil's tearing it apart.

Now tell me it's all so wonderful.

相关热词搜索: 影视听力

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