Have a great garden without spending a lot of money by following these tips.
You Will Need
Small plants
Garden clubs, botanical gardens, and fund-raising events
Step 1: Shop(购买一些多年生植物)
Shop end of season sales at your local garden store. If you are lucky, you can find perennials big enough to divide.
Step 2: Purchase by flat(与朋友一起合伙购买)
Purchasing plants by the flat can sometimes save you 20 percent. Share the cost with a friend if you don’t need all the plants.
Step 3: Purchase smaller size(买一些小苗)
Purchase smaller perennials, evergreens, and flowering shrubs. Eventually they will grow to full size.
Step 4: Purchase seeds(购买花的种子)
Grow plants and vegetables from seeds. Lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, and string beans are easy plants to grow.
Choose plants that grow vertically such as beans, tomatoes, and cucumbers if space is limited.
Step 5: Go to special events(去一些花艺培训学校)
Go to garden clubs, botanical gardens, and special fund-raising events to save money and find unusual specimens.
Step 6: Divide perennials(嫁接原有的花草)
Double or triple your plant supply by dividing. Good perennials to divide include hostas, coral-bells, daylilies, and geraniums.