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商务英语听力第21期:Journey's end? 终结还是?

来源:英国大使馆 编辑:vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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【Business notes】

Business Notes
Formal – informal style in emails 非正式的商务邮件

In the final episode Malcolm reads out an email that he has received from Superkor.

The level of formality in writing emails largely depends on the relationship between the sender and the recipient.

Compare the original email from Brian Johnson, with a less formal version that could have been written if Brian and Malcolm had a closer personal relationship.

Dear Malcolm,

We wanted to let you know at the earliest opportunity that in the light of the excellent publicity your new biscuit range has just received on tea-time TV and which will bring the products to the attention of a very valuable teenage market, we now feel able to move ahead and to sign all contracts on our mutual collaboration on the launch and promotion of the brand in all 67 of our stores over the next two years, with built-in options to renew for a further 3 years after that.

Can we please arrange a meeting to finalise all details of the contract and to take this matter forward.

Brian Johnson



Just wanted to let you know that after the great publicity your new biscuit range received on tea-time TV, which will bring the products to the attention of the teen market, we can go on and sign the contracts to work together on the launch and promotion of the brand in all 67 stores next year with an option to renew for another 3 years after that. Let’s have a meeting to go through the details of the contract and move things along.


背单词 — 商务英语词汇





