I am about to have a sentence pattern out. It is : S wish S was ( were ) . 这个句式是表示某人希望某人或某事在现在或者是将来的情况如何。In this sentence "wish" means "to want something to happen or to be true even through it is unlikely or impossible". 希望(不大可能的事儿)发生,怀着(不可能实现的)愿望。 S was ( were )...是这个句子的宾语从句,因此从句中要用虚拟语气:表示某人纯然主观的想法,这个事情发生的可能性微乎其微或者是不可能发生的。
光阴似箭,一直担任俄罗斯国家芭蕾团首席的Jane要退役了,她对将顶替她这个首席职位的年轻演员说道:I wish I were as young as you. (备注:were可以改为was )真希望我和你一样年轻。
Here I want to say S wish S was ( were )... 这个句型中, "was" is often used in American English and "were" is often used in British English. And " S was ( were )..." is an object clause introduced by that which is nearly always left out , especially in speech. 在英式英语中,宾语从句中的系动词用were, 而在美式英语中常用 was. 此外, S was ( were )...是由that 而引导的一个宾语从句,that经常省去,特别是在口语中。
The above sentence "I wish I were as young as you." 这个宾语从句中讲述的是一种状态,如果我们要说“动作”了,the sentence pattern is : S wish S did. (备注:这个did指的是动词的任何过去形式,一般过去式,过去进行时等等。)
同窗五载,2010届的学生将告别母校,踏上舞蹈事业的征程,在毕业晚会上,大家齐声痛声哭道:How we wish it went so fast!真希望时间不要走得太快。
好不容易有个周某,车友会们都约好了去郊外放松一下,下起来倾盆大雨,大家都遗憾的说道: How we wish it wasn't raining. 要是现在不下雨该多好呀!