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可可早间课堂第93期:One's decisition is that S (should)

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This morning, I'm going to talk about a sentence pattern which is : One's decision is that S should do. 这个句式表达的意思是:某人的决定是......, 某人决定......。


Let's make a sentence to get a grasp of it. Look at this sentence: Our decision is that the school should remain closed. 我们决定这个学校还是不开放。这是一个含有表语从句的复合句。主句是:our decision is , 表语从句是:that the school should remain closed。在这个从句中使用了虚拟语气,即:谓语结构为——should + remain (动词原形), 且谓语中的情态动词 should 是可以省略的。由此可见,含有表语从句的复合句中的主句中的主语含有“decision”这个表示“决定”的名词时,表语从句要用虚拟语气。

Let's look at more example sentences. The editor's decision is that it be so. 编辑定了这稿件不再改了。值得大家注意的是从句that it be so由于省略了情态动词should,因此谓语就是be. The General Manager's decision is that we go ahead with this project. 总经理决定继续这项工程。该句子中的表语从句也省略了should.


As a matter of a fact, some sentences including decision is widely used in our daily conversation. Such as : 1 工作中很多事情是要经过“老大”点头的,而您只是一个中层领导,跟您是好友的人问您他是否被聘用,您可以说: The decision is in the hand of him.决定权在他那儿。2 一个人的家中总有一个人讲话有分量,起着决定作用,我们常说:“家里的事儿她说了算”。She is a decision-maker( 复合词) in the house. 3 现在很多公司是多个人合伙办起的,但是总有一个“老大”中的“老大”,在商量事情时不免会持有异议,而您作为“老大”中的“老大”在异议纷纷时会盛怒,在盛怒之下,你或许会说:Don't argue with me, my decision is final. 不要和我争辩了,我的决定是最终决定。3 我们看电视,在体育比赛中,有时候裁判的裁决是有是有失误的,但是:The umpire' s decision is always unchangeable. 裁判员的裁决总是不可改变的。


Talking of “decision”, we have many useful phrase. They are as follows:

1 take a decision ( make a decision make decisions )

Three of them mean " decide " .Let's look a sentence: We need to take a decision on this problem by next week. 我们要说“对某事做决定”则在decision后面加上介词on 或是about , 但是要强调的是:如果是介词on或者about的话,后面只能跟名词或者是某些名词性短语,但是绝不能跟动名词短语表示“做出做某事的决定”。那么要说“做出做某事”的决定,我们只能用动词不定式。请看下面这句话:We made the decision to go ahead with this project. 我们可以看到make a decision make the decision, 在decision前不是a 就是the, 则可见decision是个可数名词,当然我们可以用复数decisions,那么就有这个短语, 即:make decisions. Let's look at a sentence: He is really bad at making decisions. 他太不善于决策了。此句中的be bad at正好是 be good at 的反义词,即:不擅长......, 不善于......。

2 reach a decision ( = come to a decision )
Both of them mean" decide after some difficulty". 意思是:经历了某种困难后而做出的决定,就是中文说的“做出抉择”。Let's look at the example sentences. 1 We must come to a decision about what to do next by tomorrow. 我们必须在明日前就下一步做什么做出决定。2 She reached a decision to break up with him finally. 她最终还是做出了分手的抉择。


All right, that's enough for today. Have you got what I've said this morning. I'm sure you have got. So , thank you for your listening this time , see you next time. 本期节目采用的是英文歌曲《Beat it》。这里是可可早间课堂,我是Juliet。若您对早间课堂的课程有疑难问题的话,请加入可可早间课堂交流qq群,群号为:122863543,或是以邮件形式将您的疑惑发送到我的邮箱,我将尽我所能在第一时间为您解答疑惑。若您发现本期节目有错误的话,请给予指正,小编将不甚感激。


重点单词   查看全部解释    
decision [di'siʒən]


n. 决定,决策

phrase [freiz]


n. 短语,习语,个人风格,乐句
vt. 措词

pattern ['pætən]


n. 图案,式样,典范,模式,型
v. 以图案

conversation [.kɔnvə'seiʃən]


n. 会话,谈话

unchangeable [ʌn'tʃeindʒəbl]


adj. 不变的;不能改变的;安定的

beat [bi:t]


v. 打败,战胜,打,敲打,跳动
n. 敲打,





