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时间:2011-11-24 10:21:07 来源:scientificamerican 编辑:beck  每天三分钟英语轻松学

It takes lots of practice to shave strokes off your golf score. Or you can just really believe in your putter. Because a new study finds that people putted better when told that their putter had been used by a pro golfer.


The finding illustrates what’s called positive contagion: the belief that beneficial properties can be transferred to an object. The research is in the journal Public Library of Science ONE. [Charles Lee et al., "Putting Like a Pro: The Role of Positive Contagion in Golf Performance and Perception"]

难道说好运还能传染?确实有研究表明物体能从人身上吸引一些好的特质传给其他人。这项研究发表在《公共科学图书馆•综合》杂志上(题为“感觉像专业高尔夫球手一样打球:”积极感染“在打高尔夫球的成绩和感觉中的作用“” ,作者为查尔斯.李等 )。

Forty-one college students with golf experience were divided into two groups. One group heard that the putter they would use had been owned by golf pro Ben Curtis. The others got the same putter, but without the story.  


Before putting, everyone also was asked to draw a circle the size of the hole. The subjects who thought their putter was touched by greatness drew the hole bigger.  All participants then took ten putts. And the ones who thought they had Curtis’s stick sank an average of one and a half more putts than did those with no such beliefs. Of course, it’s possible that they golfed better because they had such a good lie.

两组选手都被要求画一个和球洞一样的圆圈,以为自己握了高手球杆的选手画的圈圈更大。随后每组选手都推了10杆球,那些认为沾到柯蒂斯“仙气”的选手平均推多1.5个球入穴。所以说积极的自欺欺人或许能带来好成绩。(译者注:高尔夫球中,击一次球计一杆,英文叫“stroke”,而“putt”是用推杆推球使球进洞,"sink more putts"就意味着推更多的球入穴。)

putter n. 推杆 contagion n. 触染 divide v. 分为 participant n. 参与者


相关热词搜索: 60秒科学 高尔夫




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