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时间:2012-01-05 11:10:49 来源:可可英语 编辑:lily  每天三分钟英语轻松学

One wild cart ride later they stood blinking in the sunlight outside Gringotts. Harry didn't know where to run first now that he had a bag full of money. He didn't have to know how many Galleons there were to a pound to know that he was holding more money than he'd had in his whole life — more money than even Dudley had ever had.

“Might as well get yer uniform,” said Hagrid, nodding toward Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions. “Listen, Harry, would yeh mind if I slipped off fer a pick-me-up in the Leaky Cauldron? I hate them Gringotts carts.” He did still look a bit sick, so Harry entered Madam Malkin's shop alone, feeling nervous.



Madam Malkin was a squat, smiling witch dressed all in mauve.


“Hogwarts, dear?” she said, when Harry started to speak. “Got the lot here — another young man being fitted up just now, in fact.”


In the back of the shop, a boy with a pale, pointed face was standing on a footstool while a second witch pinned up his long black robes. Madam Malkin stood Harry on a stool next to him slipped a long robe over his head, and began to pin it to the right length.


“Hello,” said the boy, “Hogwarts, too?”


“Yes,” said Harry.


“My father's next door buying my books and mother's up the street looking at wands,” said the boy. He had a bored, drawling voice. “Then I'm going to drag them off to took at racing brooms. I don't see why first years can't have their own. I think I'll bully father into getting me one and I'll smuggle it in somehow.”


Harry was strongly reminded of Dudley.


“Have you got your own broom?” the boy went on.


“No,” said Harry.


“Play Quidditch at all?”


“No,” Harry said again, wondering what on earth Quidditch could be.



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