Three-one, do you still feel like you guys are the underdogs?
No, we're in the driver's seat right now, and, you know, we just have to come out, ready to play next game, and, you know, try to put it away.
Before game five, the celebration had already begun.
I said, come on. Baby, don't you want to go, back to the same old place, sweet home Chicago.
Can I ask you, how big does that look on IMAX? Does that look like a gigantic bucket of popcorn on an IMAX screen? It's a whole mountain of it, folks.
Come on, man. Everything on court is all for the heart and lay it out on the basketball court. When we come out of the court, we're all celebrating, and Joe's going to be happy.
Before there was anything to really celebrate, Karl Malone and the Jazz found an answer to every move the Bulls made.
In game five, the Bulls came up empty, and Michael walked out of the United Center for the last time.
Back in Utah for practice the following day, the defeat was already forgotten, for here was another secret to the spell Michael had held over the rest of the league ever since his first championship. Even when the Bulls weren't superior physically, they had a philosophical edge.
在犹他州练习回来的第二天, 已经忘记了那次失败,因为这里是迈克尔自从他第一个总冠军以来的秘密之地。即使当牛队身体状态欠佳时,他们仍有精神上的寄托。
I think Phil had a lot to do with that, with his Zen practice, his whole emotional approach to a game of basketball.I've experienced a lot of different coaches, but he gave me the understanding about life in a whole different frame.I think his teaching toward the understanding of Zen Buddhism is how you view yourself to deal with the realities of life surrounding you, and somehow be able to correlate that to a simple game as basketball.