Mike: Are you ready to hit the road yet?
Amanda: No way! I'm not getting on that thing until I'm absolutely sure it's roadworthy.
Mike: Of course it's safe. I took it to the mechanic yesterday. He checked the tire pressure, as well as the tread, and he also made sure the lights are working.
Amanda: What about the brakes? Did he check them too? If I'm going to be hanging on for dear life all afternoon, I need some reassurance you can stop.
Mike: Yes, he did. I also gave the helmets and the leathers a quick once-over when I got back home.
Amanda: Great.
Mike: I can't wait to pull a wheelie or two. It's going to be such fun.

Amanda: Are you out of your mind! I refuse to tolerate any of your Evel Knievel tendencies.
Mike: Calm down. There's no need to fly off the handle. You know I'm a good rider. Anyway, you liked it the last time we went on a trip.
Amanda: It was fine until you kept singing that stupid song over and over again.
Mike: Which one was that? Hmm. Oh, I remember, "Iron Horse" by Motorhead. A true classic if ever there was one.
麦克:那首歌是什么?嗯。哦,我记起来了, 是MOTORHEAD乐队的《火车头》 。如果说存在经典的话,这就是经典。