Third round action of the new Chinese Super League Season continues on Sunday with a little matinee action, as Hangzhou played host to Beijing. Beijing came in with a win and a loss to start its year, while Hangzhou came in with a loss and a draw through two rounds. Early on in the first half, the host team came close to opening the scoring as Brazilian midfielder Fabricio would turn on the jets, passing three Beijing defenders but he was unable to finish. This one was scoreless at half-time. Hangzhou edge Beijing 1-nil. The breakthrough in this one would come 12 minutes into the second half. Hangzhou's Liu Bin, almost lost control of the move, but Ba Li would send it into the penalty area and Wang Song would fire it home to open the scoring. And that would be all in this one, as Hangzhou edge Beijing 1-nil.
2012赛季中超联赛第3轮杭州绿城主场对阵北京国安,第55分钟,下半场替补陈中流出场的巴力助攻汪嵩破门,最终绿城1-0奏凯,取 得赛季首胜。此役贵州籍选手汪嵩和陈中流都入选了冈田的首发阵容,而8号陈中流下半时被20号巴力替下,称为比赛的转折点,第55分钟, 巴力得球后及时传中至禁区中路空档,汪嵩面对门将扫射轻松破门。第65分钟,朴成左侧内切中突然发力攻门,击中横梁后弹地飞出。世界杯英格兰对德国时的悲剧重演——慢镜头显示皮球 撞横梁弹地时似乎已越过了球门线。汪嵩不久前刚换了发型,效果一出来他随即表示“下不为例”,并自嘲尝试比较失败,然而似 乎这个他自己不喜欢的发型给他带来了好运气——他上一个进球还是上赛季主场对江苏时罚入的一粒点球。汪嵩也表示这是他在时 隔一年半以后打进的第一个正式比赛的运动战进球,“我也终于捅破这层窗户纸,心情一下舒坦了!”