例句-1:Drop in for coffee whenever you are passing.什么时候你路过这里,请进来喝杯咖啡。
例句-2:He refused to consider himself retired and would drop in at the shipyard several weeks a week.他没有认为自己退休,一个星期总要来造船厂来几次。
接招:在我们刚才听到的2个例句中都用到了同一个词语:drop in。Drop in的意思是pay a casual visit to sb or somewhere,意思是偶然访问某人或某地; 顺便访问某人或某地。这种来访具有临时性和偶然性,事先没有和主人打招呼或预约好,没有固定好某个具体时间的。这个短语我们还可以说成是drop over,drop round。
I'd like to drop in and see you some time next week.我想在下周什么时候顺便来看看你。
Drop round some time.有空就顺便来坐坐。
I think I 'd drop over for a drink or two. we have not seen each other lately .我想来找你喝一两杯,我们最近彼此没见过面。
They asked her to drop round.他们叫她顺便来一下。
I live in the northwest of Beijing, drop round some day.我住在北京的西北角, 有时间来玩啊。
要表述顺便来看看某人我们则在drop in的后面加上介词on再接表示人的名词或代词,即:drop in on sb。我们来看下面的例句:
I thought I'd drop in on you while I was passing.我曾想路过时就来看看你。
It's improper to drop in on him so casually.这样冒冒失失去找他可不好。
They would just drop in on us for a chat at any moment. 他们随时都会来我们这儿聊天。
Can we drop in on Uncle Matt on our way to New York?我们能不能在去纽约的途中顺道去拜访麦特叔叔?
要表示偶然,不经意地走到某地,我们用drop into somewhere。我们来看下面的2个例子:
Sorry we're late we dropped into a pub on the way.对不起我们迟到了—— 我们中途到酒馆去了。
Since we're going to town, why don't we drop into Mary's home?既然我们要进城,为什么不顺便去玛丽家看看?
好,亲爱的朋友们,我们今天的这招说来访——drop in,我想您一定接住了。那么,下回我要抛出的说来访的招儿是什么呢?那敬请各位关注下期的节目。好,亲爱的朋友们,我们下期再见。