A sunken ship can make an ideal location for corals to grow.
一艘沉船 可以作为珊瑚理想的生长地点
So, with this in mind, the Life team set themselves a challenge...
正因如此,“生命脉动”制作团队 决定要接受挑战
to make their very own shipwreck.
After months of searching,
they find a boat in the Bahamas that might be suitable.
他们在巴哈马找到一艘船 可能很适合这次的任务
But there's a lot to do before it can be sunk to the sea bed.
但是在把船沉入海底之前 还得完成许多准备工作
Apparently it's been here for eight years on the jetty.
看得出来它已经被堆在这里多久了 在码头八年了
All this fibreglass insulation has all got to be removed
这些玻璃纤维的隔热材料 全都要拆掉
and it's all hands to the pump, Ian.
每个人都必须来帮忙 - 是的
We've got to get a pair of overalls.
The team have to put away their cameras and get their hands dirty.
制作团队必须把摄影机放到一旁 卷起袖子进行大扫除
I've got a 50-tonne boat, and I'm trying to clean it with a paint scraper!
这是一艘五十吨的船 我要用一把刮漆刀来刷干净
Thoroughly cleaning the boat
increases the chance that coral will grow on it,
and ensures it won't pollute the sea.
It's like Changing Rooms, isn't it?
After eight years rusting on the jetty,
there's no guarantee that she'll even float.
Well, we actually... we do have some holes.