Once there was a very poor and devoted woman who always prayed to the Glory of God, asking very little, if anything for herself.
But one thought, one desire continued to recur and finally she asked, petitioning the Lord,that if it were possible she would love to prepare a special meal and have God share at her table.

And God, in His Love for this goodly woman, said He would indeed come the next day and share a meal.
Filled with ecstasy, the woman went out the following morning with her meager purse and purchased such delicacies that she felt would please the Lord.
Returning home, she prepared a banquet and waited patiently for her most honored guest.
Soon there was a knock on the door, and when she opened it, there stood an old beggar asking for something to eat.
Being a woman of God, she could not turn the beggar away, so she invited him in to partake of her table.
The beggar felt as if he was in a dream—such a feast set before him.He finished all the food, thanked his hostess and left.
The woman was only slightly disheartened, and then she gathered up her purse, her coat,and hurried back to town to get more food for her special guest.
Her funds were less now and so the food was not quite so elaborate.
Nonetheless, she lovingly prepared another meal and sat to await the arrival of the Almighty.