Tag Is It Luxury Watch Brand CEO Believes Image Is Everything
CNNANCHOR :Well time is money, as the old saying goes, and for luxury watchmakers, time can be a great deal of money indeed.
CNNANCHOR :Now for Tag Heuer, it means setting itself apart from the crowd. The company relies on celebrity ad campaigns to woo high-end consumers.
CNNANCHOR :Now Tag's CEO Jean-Christoph Babin says it's all part of buying into a lifestyle of desires and dreams. It's part of our Luxury Week series. Monita Rajpal sat down with the company's boss.
JEAN-CHRISTOPH BABIN, TAG HEUER CEO:In our segment, we had really, I mean, to create desire for years and years. If you look at the watch industry statistics, our segment has never grown more than three to four percent per year, and Tag Heuer has grown above 20 percent every year, which mean[s] that we have managed as a brand because of our innovations, because of our communication-we're mentioning Brad Pitt, Tiger Woods, Uma Thurman, Maria Sharapova-to create probably more desire and dreams than many other brand[s].
豪雅表首席执行官 尚克里斯朵夫·巴宾:在我们这一行,我们真的必须年复一年地创造欲望。如果你看过钟表业的一些数据,就会知道我们这行每年的业绩增长从来不会超过3%-4 %。但是,豪雅表却每年增长20%以上,这表示豪牙在这个品牌已经经营成功了。由于我们的创新、我们的广告宣传包括布拉德·皮特、泰格·伍兹、邬玛·舒 曼、玛丽亚·莎拉波娃等人,我们大概比别的品牌创造出了更多的愿望与梦想。
MONITA RAJPAL, CNN CORRESPONDENT :But it's also about survival, too, in a very competitive industry. Granted, you have a heritage, but the reality is you have to make money. Where do you see your focus or your energies being focused in this, in this day and age, in the world right now?
CNN特派员 莫妮塔·拉吉波:不过,这也关系到能否在竞争如此激烈的产业中求生存。即使贵公司有所传承,但现实是,公司必须要获利。在此时、此际,在现在这个世界,贵公司将如何定位?您会把精力集中在什么地方?
JEAN-CHRISTOPH BABIN, TAG HEUER CEO:Well first, geographically, you know, we are [a] global brand. Worldwide in value we are number three or number four. There are no official statistics, so it's a guess, but we know we're there. In most countries, in the U.S., we are number two. In Japan we are number three. So let's say in most countries we're on the podium, which mean[s] that we cannot overlook one region to the benefit of another. We'll invest in the states, and we must invest in the states, because a luxury company cannot just stop investing in the 5tates because it's harder. I would say it's the other way around. This year in the United states, in terms Of8 media impressions, so contact with the consumer, we will double our media impressions this year, 2.4 billion, against 1.2 [billion] last year. So, when times are tougher, Tag Heuer is a company investing more.
豪雅表首席执行官 尚克里斯朵夫·巴宾:首先,从地理上来说,你知道我们是全球品牌,豪雅表的营业额世界排名第三或第四。因为没有正式的统计数据,这只是猜测罢了。不过,我们 的确实处在这个位置。在大多数国家,在美同,豪雅表名列第二。在日本排行第三。可以说,家雅表在大多数同家都是数一数二的品牌,意思是我们不因一地之利而 忽视其他地方。我们会投资美同,我们必须投资美同,精品公司不会因经济不最气就不投资美国。我认为正好相反,今年在美同,我们会从媒体曝光率着手,来接触 消费者。今年媒体曝光次数将会加倍,从去年的12亿美元增加到24亿美元。所以,越是不景气的年代,豪雅表越是个投资大的公司。
CNN特派员 莫妮塔·拉吉波:为什么?
JEAN-CHRISTOPH BABIN, TAG HEUER CEO:Because we know that when time[s] are tougher, to trigger dreams, to trigger consumer interest, obviously you need to work harder.
豪雅表首席执行官 尚克里斯朵夫·巴宾:因为我们知道,越不景气,越难引发人的梦想,越难引起消费者的兴趣,我们理所当然需要更努力。
MONITA RAJPAL, CNN CORRESPONDENT :Why is the luxury industry important?
CNN特派员 莫妮塔·拉吉波:为什么精品业很重要?
JEAN-CHRISTOPH BABIN, TAG HEUER CEO:You know, go to Egypt. Look at the Egyptian art. Or to Persia, and you will see that ever since mankind exists, once you have climbed the nice little pyramid and fulfilled the basic needs for survival, human being[s] want beauty. Human beings want something going beyond functionality, and this is the birth of art and this is the birth of luxury.
豪雅表首席执行官 尚克里斯朵夫·巴宾:去埃及看看埃及艺术,或者去波斯看看,你就会了解自从有人类以来,人一旦爬上了精巧的小金字塔,满足了生存的基本需求后,就会想拥有美的事物。我们会想拥有超越功能以外的东西,而这就是艺术的起源,这就是精品的开始。