The Face of 50 Japans Women Greet the Half-Century with Heads Held High
CNNANCHOR :Now, all of us know that we don't get older, but every so often we can't help noticing that other people are getting on a little bit. Prime example-Madonna. She turns 50 this Saturday. She's not alone either. Michael Jackson, Prince, the movie siren Sharon Stone, all of them are celebrating the half-century mark this year, and that got us to thinking. What does 50 look like these days? Kyung Lah tracked down Japan's very own Madonna in a first installmene of The Face of 50.
CNN主播:我们都以为自己没有变老,可是每隔不久总是不免注意到别人又增添了年岁。最好的例子是麦当娜。她在这个星期六就要迈入50岁了。她也不 是唯一的一个。迈克尔·杰克逊、普林斯、电影妖姬莎朗·斯通,他们全都在今年(此处指2008年)欢度人生半百的里程碑,而这也不禁让我们心生好奇。在当 今这个时代,到了50岁是什么模样?在《50岁容颜》系列报道第一集里,景兰开始寻找起了日本的"麦当娜"。
KYUNG LAH, CNN CORRESPONDENT:A disco sensation with their sequinneds suits and go-go boots, the girl duo called Pink Lady ruled Tokyo's charts in the late '70s, but everyone grows up and gets older.
CNN特派员 景兰:身穿亮片服装与长马靴的迪斯科红星,这个女子双人组合叫"粉红淑女"曾在20世纪 70年代末称霸东京流行歌曲排行榜。不过,每个人都会长大,也会变老。
"But not old," says Keiko Masuda. She's one half of the Pink Lady group and now a Solo artist at 50 years old-an all-natural 50.
"She's showing us being 50 is not so bad," says this groupie.
"I think she's getting younger," says this male admirer.
"I don't have any secrets," says Masuda. She says she's just a happy ]apanese 50-year-old.
No airbrushing on the cover?
"None," says magazine editor Hirofumi Niikura of this 53-year-old cover model. Niikura is the editor of Hers magazine, geared to and featuring" 50-year-old women. Page after page, timeless Japanese beauties.
"Japanese women take care of their skin from a young age," says Niikura.
Skin care is an obsession in Tokyo, and where plastic surgery remains uncommon. Tokyo's women spend billions a year on cosmetics and sunscreen and take drastic measures to stay out of the sun, using parasols at the hint of sun exposure to covering your arms, even on a hot, humid summer day. And women stay thin and healthy on the Japanese diet filled with vegetables and fish.
Okay, so staying out of the sun, eating a healthy Japanese diet and taking care of yourself-all great advice. But the reason why women in Japan may look younger longer may come down to one word: genetics.
"Japanese women tend to be mistaken for children in other countries when they're younger," says Niikura.
"But now," says Niikura,"a new generation of 50-year-old women has emerged in Japan, as famous for their achievements as they are for their beauty."
Women like Keiko Masuda. While not the sexy sensation she was in her 20s, she says that doesn't matter.
"I follow an old japanese saying," says Masuda. "Treasure every encounter, for it won't happen again, and true happiness flows from the inside out."