Rilakkuma Bear Pancakes
Hey, guys! It's Ro. Welcome to another Nerdy Nummies. Today I got so many requests to do...Rilakkuma bear! Rilakkuma, for those of you who don't know, is a very popular Japanese character, very cute bear. And his name means relaxed bear. And I thought, since I have my pajamas on, and I've never made something pancakes before. I thought, "Let's make Rilakkuma old-fashioned pancakes." I can sleep in, and eat some pancake breakfast.
Let's get started. The things you'll need will be: salt, baking soda, baking powder, milk, flour, regular sugar, one egg, butter, a whisk, a big mixing bowl, a sifter, and to decorate our pancakes we'll be using chocolate chips, and a banana.

Hi, Ro? It's Rilakkuma, I would like some pancakes.
To start, you're gonna take your big bowl, and your sifter, and your flour. This is one and a half cups of flour. And we're just gonna pour it in there, sift it through. And this is just so everything separates. So you're just gonna take your spoon, move all the flour around like that, push it all through.
Now you're gonna add three and a half teaspoons of baking powder, and again, you're gonna put it in the sifter. Now I'm gonna add one tablespoon of regular white sugar. Now we're gonna add one teaspoon of salt. Oh, oops! It's a little salty. Naah, it's okay.
Now, now you're gonna add, oh... Ehh...no, you'll not... Okay, so you do not need this. Relax bear was a little too tired to read, and this does not make pancakes. We'll put this away. Oops!
Now we're gonna whisk all the dry ingredients together. Now that we've got all of our dry ingredients together, we're going to make a well with our hands. So you're just gonna push the flour to the sides to make a hole in the middle. And then we're gonna add our wet ingredients, our milk, butter and egg. I'm gonna first add the egg. And put it right in the middle, where you've cleared some space.
Now you're gonna add one and one-fourth cup of the milk right in the middle, right on top of the egg. The well is filling up, ah! The last thing I'm gonna add to the middle of the well is three tablespoons of butter. I just microwaved it. It's melted to be liquid. Now you're gonna take your whisk, and mix it all together.
Now you're gonna take your batter, and we're gonna head over to the kitchen, to the stove. And we're gonna make some pancakes, and I'll show you how to make the shape of the bear the easiest way I know how. All you're gonna need is a pan, and a spatula to flip over pancakes. You're also gonna need a little bit of butter.
The first thing that I'm gonna do is I'm gonna set my heat, my stove heat, to a low temperature. I like to set it on three. That's my magic number. Every stove is different, but you just wanna do it at low heat when you're making perfect pancakes.
While your burner is heating up, we're just gonna take a little bit of butter or margarine, whatever you wanna use to grease the pan, just a little bit. And put it in the pan and work it around, and make sure that there's no excess. Now our pan is ready to make pancakes.
And what I'm gonna do is take a tablespoon, and half a tablespoon, and I'm gonna scoop the pancake mix. And this is gonna be for the bear's face, and these are gonna be the size of the bear's ears. You don't need to fill all the way to the top of the half teaspoon. You can do about three-quarters of the way to make the ears a little smaller if you want. But this is what you're gonna use, a scoop-and-pour method. I've used squeeze bottles; I've used plastic bags and tried to make the perfect pancake, and the best thing that has worked for me has always been the pour.
Take a scoop, put it in the center of the pan. Take a scoop, and form our little ears. You'll know that your pancake is ready to flip when it starts to bubble a lot. Just see a lot of those little air bubbles coming to the top, and you'll know that it's a little fine, and you can kind of stick your flipper under there, just to check if it's golden brown, and if it is, flip! We just made our first pancake. And now we're just gonna make as many more as the batter will allow, and then we're gonna go decorate.
Now you're gonna take your fresh baked pancakes and put them aside. And we're gonna decorate their little cute faces, so you're gonna take the banana, open it up, peel it. And we're gonna make banana pennies. We're gonna take a knife, cut and make little banana pennies. I don't know if these are actually called "banana pennies," but that's what my mom called them, so that's what I call them.
After you've got your banana pennies, you're just gonna take one of them, and put them right in the middle towards the bottom of your pancake. And then you're gonna take two chocolate chips. And instead of facing them up, we're gonna face them down. And push them into the pancake.
Now to make the ears, you're just gonna take out your knife again, and take one banana penny, and you're gonna cut off just one of the ends so that one of the ends is flat. And you're gonna stick it on, right there. Ah, he's so cute! We're almost done.
Last thing that you gonna do is I just took a bunch of chocolate chips, put it in a microwave-safe bag with a number two tip. And we're just gonna make his little nose and mouth. It's pretty easy. You're just gonna put a little circle right in the middle, then draw a little mouth out. Now we're gonna do the same to all of our little bear pancakes.
We finish the Rilakkuma pancakes. I hope that you like it. It was so fun. I have never made pancakes before on Nerdy Nummies; never made breakfasts before, so this is also first for me, it was very special. They're so yummy. Old-fashioned pancakes with chocolates and bananas on top. Yum, yum, yum...
Thanks you guys for watching. If you have any other suggestion for any other Nerdy Nummies, please let me know. Leave me a comment down below, and I will do my best to make it happen. Okay, thanks guys. Bye bye!
Oh God, I'm drowning! Relax bear doesn't care.
Oh no, I feel like murdering bear. With this big knife I feel like I'm murdering bear, like I should go, "Ehh!" Okay.
Oh my gosh. So good. Oh, yeah!