So you know how you'll get really excited about starting a new project, whether it's writing a book, or making a song on guitar, or completely reinventing yourself in the space you're in. But then as the days go by, your enthusiasm fades and fades and fades until it just shrivels up and dies and you completely forget about it.
The first, most important, and hardest part of leveling up is deciding to. You have so much willpower. We as human beings, whenever we decide we really want something, we go after it and we make it happen.

There's no such thing as "I'm too busy for that." It's just "I don't think I want to invest the time necessary to complete that goal," which brings me to the two biggest hurdles standing between you and what you want to accomplish: total time mismanagement and not setting realistic goals.
We throw so much time away just doing absolutely nothing. And then we have these grand goals and ideas and dreams that seem so overwhelming, that we never finish them because we don't start off small. If you really wanna get something done, be honest with yourself.
So if you tell me, "I wanna write for two hours today."
"Are you really gonna write for two hours? Is that something that you are actually able to do?"
"How about an hour? How about 30 minutes? How about 15 minutes?"
"Fifteen minutes of writing? I can do that. Totally, totally doable."
So if you wanna reach this fabled level five, start managing your time and setting goals that you know that you can complete.
I use an AT-A-GLANCE planner. It breaks down the week per hour. It's amazing, highly recommended. And whenever I cross something off of my list, I reward myself with a cookie or chocolate—something sweet, something delicious—that's all that's needed to get something out of me.
So you know, start leveling up because you totally can. It's just a matter of deciding to and then going from there. Okay? Good luck. I'll see you next week. Stay Awesome, Gotham.