The next thing that you need to understand as a principle is that when you introduce change,you need to do it extraordinarily carefully.
Now I often have joked that I spend almost as much time designing the introduction of change as I do the change itself,and I'm sure that we can all relate to that when something that we use a lot changes and then we have to adjust.
The fact is, people can become very efficient at using bad design,and so even if the change is good for them in the long run,it's still incredibly frustrating when it happens,and this is particularly true with user-generated content platforms,because people can rightfully claim a sense of ownership.
事实上,人们会因为使用了,不好的设计而变得更有效率,虽然从长远角度上看,这个改变是对大家有好处的,但是有不好的设计产生的时候, 它仍被认为是一个失败的设计,而且这个在用户创建的内容平台中证实了,因为人们会去维护他们的主人翁意识。
It is, after all, their content.
Now, years ago, when I was working at YouTube,we were looking for ways to encourage more people to rate videos,and it was interesting because when we looked into the data,we found that almost everyone was exclusively using the highest five-star rating,a handful of people were using the lowest one-star,and virtually no one was using two, three or four stars.
So we decided to simplify into an up-down kind of voting binary model.
It's going to be much easier for people to engage with.
But people were very attached to the five-star rating system.
Video creators really loved their ratings.
Millions and millions of people were accustomed to the old design.
So in order to help people prepare themselves for change and acclimate to the new design more quickly,we actually published the data graph sharing with the community the rationale for what we were going to do,and it even engaged the larger industry in a conversation, which resulted in my favorite TechCrunch headline of all time:
YouTube Comes to a 5-Star Realization: YouTube.Its Ratings Are Useless.
Now, it's impossible to completely avoid change aversion when you're making changes to products that so many people use.
Even though we tried to do all the right things,we still received our customary flood of video protests and angry emails and even a package that had to be scanned by security,but we have to remember people care intensely about this stuff,and it's because these products, this work,really, really matters to them.
即使我们试着把所有的事情做对,可是还是受到了如同洪水般的抗议视频和投诉邮件,甚至我们还收到了一个 需要接受安全扫描的包裹,然而,从另外一个角度来,我们也知道到人们对这个改变非常关注,也是因为这个产品对于他们来说,是真的真的很重要。
Now, we know that we have to be careful about paying attention to the details,we have to be cognizant about how we use data in our design process,and we have to introduce change very, very carefully.
Now, these things are all really useful.
They're good best practices for designing at scale.
But they don't mean anything if you don't understand something much more fundamental.
You have to understand who you are designing for.
Now, when you set a goal to design for the entire human race,and you start to engage in that goal in earnest,at some point you run into the walls of the bubble that you're living in.
Now, in San Francisco, we get a little miffed when we hit a dead cell zone because we can't use our phones to navigate to the new hipster coffee shop.
现在,就在旧金山, 当我们到达一个没有信号的区域,因为无法使用手机导航来寻找到新开的流行的咖啡店,我们就开始不开心了。

But what if you had to drive four hours to charge your phone because you had no reliable source of electricity?
What if you had no access to public libraries?
What if your country had no free press?
What would these products start to mean to you?
This is what Google, YouTube and Facebook look like to most of the world,and it's what they'll look like to most of the next five billion people to come online.
这就是为什么谷歌,YouTube 和facebook被世界所期待,这也是为什么未来的50亿人会去上网。
Designing for low-end cell phones is not glamorous design work,but if you want to design for the whole world,you have to design for where people are,and not where you are.
So how do we keep this big, big picture in mind?
We try to travel outside of our bubble to see, hear and understand the people we're designing for.
We use our products in non-English languages to make sure that they work just as well.