22 years old, a new mother, and a subversive.
二十二岁初为人母 颠覆叛逆
A year earlier, an imperial decree
一年前政府下令 将基督教定为非法教会
Converts like Perpetua are now enemies of the state.
Their crime: refusing to honor the Roman Gods.
他们的罪行是 拒绝敬拜罗马神灵
You had to be a little bit crazy to be a Christian,
it was enough to get you killed,
because you were saying your allegiance was to Christ and to his father and not to the emperor.
因为你只忠于耶稣还有他的父亲 而并未忠于帝国
You would've been always looking over your shoulder,
like, is someone following me or does someone know I'm a Christian.
害怕有人跟踪 或者害怕有人知道自己是基督教徒
You would've been paranoid, afraid to talk to anyone openly.
你会偏执多疑 不敢对人敞开心扉
The empire's secret police: the Frumentarii.
帝国的地下警察 也称弗鲁曼塔里
They use a network of informers to hunt down dissidents.