Nearly 20 years after its launch, the Hubble Space Telescope is still learning new tricks.
When the Shuttle Atlantis undocks at the end of the servicing mission a new "Wide Field Planetary Camera III" will become functional, widening Hubble's range.
Another new tool, the "Cosmic Origin Spectrograph" will tell us more about the way Dark Matter affects distant galaxies.
But even with new hardware, Hubble's days are numbered for the shuttle will also be installing a device that will end Hubble's long journeys into space.
At the end of the mission, when all the work is done, before the final moment, when we go back in the airlock, I am absolutely sure I am going to take one last grab on the Hubble, one last look.
I do believe this is the last time people will visit Hubble Space Telescope.

And after all that so many people have invested, I think I'll vicariously for them, and for real for me,
I'll be kind of giving Hubble that last hug before we sent it on its way to what really will be an entire new journey of discovery for Hubble.
It is difficult for me to think of the end of the mission for the space telescope because right now, it is in prime productivity, or rather will be once we are able to fix it up again.
Demand for it is strong.
The capabilities are unique and will remain unique.
It will be a loss, when the Hubble can no longer take observations for us.
On the day that happens, the telescope will receive one last command to shut down and return to earth.
The orbiting telescope will burn up as it re-enters the earth's atmosphere and pass into history.
Controllers want to make sure that the enormous telescope falls into the Pacific.